Tire and Wheel Protection

Tire and Wheel Protection

Protect Yourself From That
"Unexpected" Expense

Today, damage to even one of your vehicle's tires or wheels can easily result in a repair bill of several hundred dollars. Protect yourself against this kind of expense with Comprehensive Tire & Wheel Road Hazard Protection.

Tire & Wheel Protection Plans

Wheel/Rim Protection Plan

Reimbursement is provided for any expense relating to the repair or replacement of wheels/rims rendered unserviceable due to a road hazard occurrence.

The Protection Plan

In the event that you have a flat tire, the cost to repair the tire is covered. If your tire is non-repairable, this plan will then cover the cost to replace the tire with the same or comparable make and style

In addition to the above, plan coverage also includes:

Cost of mounting and/or balancing
Sales Tax
No age or mileage limitations
No limit on plan usage

Plan Coverage includes expenses incurred from tire or wheel damage caused by road hazards, such as:

Wood debris

And unlike other programs, this plan can apply not only to cars, vans, and light trucks, but also Recreational Vehicles and Trailers.

Phone: (877) 902-8790
Fax: (610) 524-8504
© 2004-2025 Comprehensive Auto Resource Company, Inc
P.O. Box 1268 Exton, PA 19341